
Guys. We have an addiction. To L.A. We spent the day there again. Seriously… Such a city. I feel like such a latecomer. It’s so pretty there. So many neighborhoods. So. Many. Restaurants. The other day I was looking at all the books I have lined up to read and all the books I’ve started and am currently in the midst of reading and got a bit panic-stricken thinking about how I might never get everything read that I want to read. I feel the same way about restaurants. The list grows faster than I can keep up at times. For both. If there are two things I really love it could easily be books and eating at restaurants. I’m so glad that I’m married to someone who not only let’s me do these two things but who also likes to participate in them.

We love eating at restaurants. Trying new ones, revisiting favorites. Planning our day around which ones we’ll go to. Talking about them. Before we get there, while we’re eating there, after we leave. Dissecting them, critiquing them, experiencing them. It’s definitely a hobby we love so much. Food is such a weird thing. We need to eat to live but G-d has seen fit to make food so. damn. good. And He has given some people such a gift of creating some amazing food. And we’re so blessed to live in a place that offers so many options. It’s crazy.

We started out by having a late lunch at Republique.


So good. Jenna had a burger and iced tea and I had soft eggs and baguette and coffee and pineapple/strawberry juice.

This place is crazy good. Everywhere you look there’s something pretty to see and the food? What the. Perfect.

We left there and made a stop at the Grove to get a couple things. Then we went to Broome Street General. This place is part store/boutique part coffee shop. Perfume and kids clothes and beard oil and blankets and candles and whisks made of teak wood. And really good coffee. We played some cards. Then headed to another coffee shop called H Coffee House which is in a craftsman style house and the owner makes her own pastries and cookies from scratch. Played more cards. Drank some herbal tea because we’d had enough caffeine already.

Dinner was next door at Home. Jenna had a turkey sandwich and Cesar salad and I had a curried chicken sandwich and creamy tomato basil soup. Even though the food here was just ok, we were sitting outside under trees and the sky and a sunset and lights and next to a fountain lined with dinosaurs with plants and people with dogs so that made it so. great. And the server was so nice.

We stopped in and visited with Jenna’s brother Chad while he got ready to go out to a birthday celebration and then headed home. Not the restaurant. Our home.

Just a day. Spent together. With food.

You need to eat to live. But food is more than that right? Food makes you think about celebrations and family and love. And home. You get to sit down and share things and share love. And even if the food isn’t mind-blowingly good all the time it’s always love. And sunsets. And LA. You gotta go there. And eat.

We can’t stop eating.

We can’t stop loving.


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