A day apart…

life continues to happen whether we have given it approval or not. jobs must be worked, bills must be paid, days pass, nights pass, we live on. most days continue without much thought. wake up take a shower brush teeth shave drive work lunch commute brake lights home sit eat pet tootsie discuss share sleep listen to music heat sweat sun beats down.

sometimes, though, a day arrives without notice. a day that surprises. a day that stands out.

we woke up today and just laid in bed. that’s not too uncommon, thankfully. but today was different: it was cool. there was that scent in the air, that crisp, beautiful scent. it was a welcomed surprise. it seemed to say that something was happening. it held captive a secret that seems to have been forgotten for a while. no air conditioning, no fans, no sweat. just sweet sweet coolness. we drove. drove to sierra madre. drove around, parked. had coffee and cupcakes. watched people. looked at houses. dreamed of houses, drooled over houses. called about houses, decided against houses. houses that don’t want tootsie. houses that cost too much. houses that seem to be too good to be true. houses that seem like they could be a part of us, built for us, built with us in mind. houses that could one day tell tales of children, of laughter, of love and peace.

we came home and sat. sat and laughed and read. j cooked. she loves to cook. she’s so happy when she’s cooking. it smells great. a beer and the cool air and the scent of steak and potatoes… so american. so delicious. read. pet tootsie. smelled steak and potatoes.

these days that creep up unannounced. they surprise us. not because they’re all that unique, but because they weren’t planned. they weren’t expected. they weren’t designed. they just arrive, sit and stay a while. they wrap themselves around us. they live in the midst of us. like family. like old friends. they come in and visit. they laugh with us. they talk about what’s been happening since the last time we saw them. they remind us that we need to spend more time with them. they remind us that they are why we continue the daily workeatsleepshower routine.

i love these days. breathe these days. i want to linger long into the night with these days. reminisce with and about these days. they seem to hold a promise of future days. pregnant with promise. i love that phrase. bursting with untold promise. i like that phrase too: untold promise. i hope these days magically multiply and reproduce more of themselves. and yet, i feel like if that happened, the very essence of these days would somehow be diminished. as if by having more of them, they would somehow transform into something else… something more expected and much less intoxicating.

my wife is beautiful. abundantly so. physically and emotionallyspirituallyromanticallyandddddddddddddddddddddddd… i recognize how pregnant with promise our lives are. i am excited to see that promise birthed. exhale…

7 thoughts on “A day apart…

  1. I have been meaning to congratulate you on your acceptance into grad school. So, congratulations, Paul (and Jenna!). Grad school is a long road, but so worth it :O)

  2. I remember days like those, we had them in our first seven years. Our kids brought a noise that is loud and relentless, but completely wonderful and sweet. I do look forward to the day when once again, there is a quietness and simplicity, and we can enjoy one another :O)

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