in honor of ahava

in keeping with the blogging trend, and in honor of my wife’s twenty-fourth birthday tomorrow, i am posting a list of 24 things i love about her:

1. she is, bar none, the most selfless person i know
2. she is a wonderful cook
3. she has the best taste in music, including luther vandross, may he rest in peace
4. she is kind
5. she laughs easily and contagiously
6. her smile
7. her hands, especially her thumbs
8. she is patient and stunningly beautiful
9. she never says anything she doesn’t mean; never reacts, but always speaks, acts, and interacts with total forethought and intention
10. she is enviably creative
11. she has a heart both sensitive and receptive to the L-rd
12. she supports me and encourages me endlessly
13. she loved me while i was unlovable
14. she always puts her arm in my lap for me to scratch
15. she is wise
16. she is wonderfully unique
17. she has the tiniest feet
18. she is a wonderful sister
19. she is a jew
20. she is fiercely loyal
21. her hair always smells delicious
22. she will paint, repaint, and paint one more time, her nails
23. she follows more blogs than anyone else i know and talks about the writers as if they are old friends
24. she said yes

while the list could go on for countless pages, i will keep it to 24.

to my wife, my completion, today and always: i love you. you have filled my heart with joy, my home with love, and my life with a fullness that could only come from our G-d. may you be blessed, overblessed, this year and always. you are a constant example of godliness, beauty, grace, and blessing-from-above. i do not deserve you, but am selfishly grateful that you love me. you are my heart.

today i renew my vows to love, honor, and cherish you. i renew my vow to stand by you faithfully. i renew my vows to sacrifice for you, defend you, protect and provide for you. i renew my vow to lead you in our G-d, to pray for you and with you, and to strive to be a model of Christ’s love. i renew my vow to be the husband that you deserve, despite my shortcomings. you have my heart and it is an honor to be able to call you my wife. may our life together be long and filled with blessings, children, tootsie, food, friends, and family.

your main squeeze and biggest fan,

p. (lam. 3.25, is. 51.10)

8 thoughts on “in honor of ahava

  1. I don’t think a blog post ever made me cry before.

    You win, you always do.

    Jenna wins. She should follow my blog. Jenna, we should be real friends.

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